Heads up on javadoc in jdk-1.10.1

I was unable to compile javadoc in latest and greatest hdf5-1.10.1, possibly due to stricter tags in jdk-1.10.1. The specific file, overview.html, choked on the tag. Removal of the and tags allowed the build to continue without error.

file: hdf5-1.10.1/java/src/hdf/overview.html

I’m not sure why javadoc chokes on this file. As far as I can tell, this should still be allowed.


This message should read,

…choked on the “body” tag. Removal of the “body” and “end body” tags allowed the build to continue without error.

Sorry for the missing info previously. Correctly formatted tags are eaten by the web interface. That must be why we have a preview feature!


Thanks, we will test this in our current development.
