hdf5 browser in python

Dear all,

A while back I started a little project of mine. I had this idea that I
wanted a fast tool for browsing and plotting data in hdf5 files. And that I wanted
to learn a bit of GUI programming...

The design as I had it in mind was that you would be presented first with a
browser window where you could select the datasets you were interested in, and
then start a plotting window where you could set which of the selected
variables should be on the base axes, show/hide datasets and so on.

So far I sort of have the gui for the browser, but when you click on a dataset
you are simply plotting the data in a new window. You can also get the attributes
of any dataset by hovering the mouse over the dataset. I already find this quite useful
for my own work.

I know about hdfview but it I wanted to make something a bit "smaller".
Editing of files was not something I considered. Browsing and viewing only.
Further, matplotlib makes very nice plots. I also know about vitables, but it
is only for browsing and editing (as far as I understand). It is also using pytables
in the background, while I find h5py to be a better module (you are free to disagree here!).

I doubt that I will have much time developing this further at the moment, but
I wanted to inform people in case you find it useful and/or want to help. I placed the code here:
with an introduction and screen shots here:

I invite anyone to contribute, develop, suggest, comment on this in
case you find it interesting on some level. You are also welcome to criticize me for
starting this when project X already exist and does exactly the same.


Are there any install directions anywhere for those of us unacustomed to
working with Python packages? Also, what are the prerequisits?
Izaak Beekman


Princeton University Doctoral Candidate
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

UMD-CP Visiting Graduate Student
Aerospace Engineering

Onsdag 12 oktober 2011 skrev Zaak Beekman:

Are there any install directions anywhere for those of us unacustomed to
working with Python packages? Also, what are the prerequisits?
Izaak Beekman

Princeton University Doctoral Candidate
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

UMD-CP Visiting Graduate Student
Aerospace Engineering


Requirements are:
Python 2 (at least 2.6 I'd guess, I'm using 2.7), PyQt4, matplotlib (which itself requires numpy).

Installation would be:

git clone git@gitorious.org:pyqt-h5browser/pyqt-h5browser.git
cd pyqt-h5browser

Then you run the file "h5browser" with the path to an hdf5 file as argument:

./h5browser my_testfile.h5

If you don't have git you can download the tarball from here:

You can install the packages with:

python setup.py install

and then move the h5browser to your path. As you understand I have not made very
serious consideration for how to do this on Windows (without cygwin). Some other guru
might want to suggest the best way to do that.


Dear Yngve,

I tried to get your software using git. Obviously, I forgot something (I am new to git):

    localhost [tmp]% git clone
    Cloning into pyqt-h5browser...
    The authenticity of host 'gitorious.org (' can't be
    RSA key fingerprint is 7e:af:8d:ec:f0:39:5e:ba:52:16:ce:19:fa:d4:b8:7d.
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
    Warning: Permanently added 'gitorious.org,' (RSA) to
    the list of known hosts.
    Permission denied (publickey).
    fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

Can you help me?

Thanks, Richard


On 10/12/2011 05:22 PM, Yngve Inntjore Levinsen wrote:

Onsdag 12 oktober 2011 skrev Zaak Beekman:

> Are there any install directions anywhere for those of us unacustomed to

> working with Python packages? Also, what are the prerequisits?

> Thanks,

> Izaak Beekman

> ===================================

> (301)244-9367

> Princeton University Doctoral Candidate

> Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

> ibeekman@princeton.edu


> UMD-CP Visiting Graduate Student

> Aerospace Engineering

> ibeekman@umiacs.umd.edu

> ibeekman@umd.edu


Requirements are:

Python 2 (at least 2.6 I'd guess, I'm using 2.7), PyQt4, matplotlib (which itself requires numpy).

Installation would be:

git clone git@gitorious.org:pyqt-h5browser/pyqt-h5browser.git

cd pyqt-h5browser

Then you run the file "h5browser" with the path to an hdf5 file as argument:

./h5browser my_testfile.h5

If you don't have git you can download the tarball from here:


You can install the packages with:

python setup.py install

and then move the h5browser to your path. As you understand I have not made very

serious consideration for how to do this on Windows (without cygwin). Some other guru

might want to suggest the best way to do that.



Hdf-forum is for HDF software users discussion.


Yes, sorry, I forgot that the ssh protocol only accepts pubkey authentication on gitorious, apologies for that.

Try instead git://gitorious.org/pyqt-h5browser/pyqt-h5browser.git
or if that doesn't work:

I added a file INSTALL.txt to the project which I hope gives installation instructions that work:


Onsdag 12 oktober 2011 skrev du:


Dear Yngve,

I tried to get your software using git. Obviously, I forgot something (I
am new to git):

    localhost [tmp]% git clone
    Cloning into pyqt-h5browser...
    The authenticity of host 'gitorious.org (' can't be
    RSA key fingerprint is 7e:af:8d:ec:f0:39:5e:ba:52:16:ce:19:fa:d4:b8:7d.
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
    Warning: Permanently added 'gitorious.org,' (RSA) to
    the list of known hosts.
    Permission denied (publickey).
    fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

Can you help me?

Thanks, Richard

On 10/12/2011 05:22 PM, Yngve Inntjore Levinsen wrote:
> Onsdag 12 oktober 2011 skrev Zaak Beekman:
> > Are there any install directions anywhere for those of us unacustomed to
> > working with Python packages? Also, what are the prerequisits?
> > Thanks,
> > Izaak Beekman
> > ===================================
> > (301)244-9367
> > Princeton University Doctoral Candidate
> > Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
> > ibeekman@princeton.edu
> >
> > UMD-CP Visiting Graduate Student
> > Aerospace Engineering
> > ibeekman@umiacs.umd.edu
> > ibeekman@umd.edu
> Hi,
> Requirements are:
> Python 2 (at least 2.6 I'd guess, I'm using 2.7), PyQt4, matplotlib
> (which itself requires numpy).
> Installation would be:
> git clone git@gitorious.org:pyqt-h5browser/pyqt-h5browser.git
> cd pyqt-h5browser
> Then you run the file "h5browser" with the path to an hdf5 file as
> argument:
> ./h5browser my_testfile.h5
> If you don't have git you can download the tarball from here:
> https://gitorious.org/pyqt-h5browser/pyqt-h5browser/archive-tarball/master
> You can install the packages with:
> python setup.py install
> and then move the h5browser to your path. As you understand I have not
> made very
> serious consideration for how to do this on Windows (without cygwin).
> Some other guru
> might want to suggest the best way to do that.
> Cheers,
> Yngve
> _______________________________________________
> Hdf-forum is for HDF software users discussion.
> Hdf-forum@hdfgroup.org
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