HDF5 1.10.5-pre1 available for testing

Larry et al,

This is a good opportunity to clean up API and ABI compatibility between minor releases. For starters:

  • The API compatibility report for 1.10.5-pre1 shows six removed symbols. Please reinstate these symbols so that in the ABI (binary) interface, these map internally to the correct values or targets. You can tag the reinstatements as temporary, to be deleted at the next major ABI change. This change is important to allow programs compiled with 1.10.4 to be ABI (binary) compatible with library 1.10.5, without recompiling.

  • In the new release notes, the section “Revert H5Oget_info* and H5Ovisit* functions” implies API compatibility back to at least 1.10.2. To check this, please run the API compatibility check independently for at least three retrospective cases:

    • 1.10.5-pre1 vs. 1.10.2
    • 1.10.5-pre1 vs. 1.10.3
    • 1.10.5-pre1 vs. 1.10.4 (already done)
  • Also please run the ABI Laboratory binary compatibility report (https://abi-laboratory.pro/index.php?view=timeline&l=hdf5) for the same three retrospective cases.

Also please recall this recent topic on ABI stability and binary compatibility.

Minor attention to these details now will save much effort for users and repositories. Thanks for your help.