Error: Trying to write to hdf dataspace a vector of unsupported datatype



Windows 10 64 bit, I am using hdf5 within a C++ project, perfectly working on Linux, compiled with Visual Studio 2017 I get

Error: Trying to write to hdf dataspace a vector of unsupported datatype.

The unsupported type is simply unsigned int:

The debug lines from the code:

vector<unsigned> value(1);
value[0] = m_Design->GetEvalLevelVector().Size();
std::cout << "this write value[0]" << std::endl;

hdfIO.WriteArrayToHDF5Dataset(< … …> , value);

From debug info:
this write value[0]
Input data type hdf unsigned int

Error message:
I get an error:
Error: Trying to write to hdf dataspace a vector of unsupported datatype.
** Please help **

I saw the outstanding issues that for MAC OS there is a problem with 32/64, it is suggested that if 64 bit use 32, and vice versa. I used the precompiled 64 bit.

Please help! Thanks for reading!

Kind regards,