Build error: timeout on ctest


I updated VS2019, and now, while building HDF5 sources, I got this timeout error:

Error: Timeout: D:\SOFTWARE\VISUAL STUDIO 2019\COMMON7\IDE\COMMONEXTENSIONS\MICROSOFT\CMAKE\CMake\bin\ctest.exe --show-only=json-v1 -C Debug did not finish after 1m 0s, 0ms

I set CTEST_TEST_TIMEOUT to 1200, save it to CMakeSetting.json, nothing changed, same error.

I tried to change any other timeout-related options, with no luck.

Does someone point me in the right direction? Seems a problem with VS, but I a pretty new to it.


Just to overcome the issue, I disabled the tests building: BUILD_TESTING set to OFF in CMakeLists.txt file.